Mediator's Profile

Cristi McMurdie

Business Name: McMurdie Law and Mediation

The major focus of McMurdie Law & Mediation is providing expert conflict resolution, mediation, collaborative representation, full representation including litigation and negotiations and limited scope representation for your family law case. Cristi McMurdie brings together decades of expertise as a practicing family law attorney, nearly three decades of family law mediation experience, six years of collaborative law practice, and 15 years as a professional business and life coach.

Cristi provides hands-on assistance to customize what you need in your case, whether it is to work faster towards a resolution or to slow things down while you plan and execute the steps of smoother divorce process, whether you’re selling your home or starting a new job.  All of this leads to a higher level of satisfaction and better, stronger, more long lasting resolutions for you and your family.

Cristi continues to sharpen and deepen skills related to all certifications. In October 2022 Cristi attended her fourth Advanced Collaborative Law training, and routinely participates in Advanced Mediation training, as well as the requisite continuing lawyer training required each year in practice.

Cristi McMurdie has been a consistent member of the Arizona Bar since 1993, a member of the local mediators group – Maricopa County Association of Family Mediators (MCAFM) since 1997, and is a certified business and life coach by the Adler School of Professional Coaching (2004), Marcia Weider’s Dream University for individuals and Groups (2006), and WHYCoach certification (2014).

McMurdie Law & Mediation provides both in-person meetings and mediation using separate safe rooms for by video format or in person as the circumstances require.

Areas of Focus

  • Divorce
  • Modifications of child support orders & spousal maintenance orders
  • Blended family conflicts
  • Enforcement matters
  • Relocation that effects parenting agreements
  • Grandparent matters
  • Paternity Establishment cases
  • Reunification Cases
  • Guardianship
  • Pre-decree through post-decree issues including prenuptial and postnuptial agreements
  • Step-parent adoption
  • Termination of parental rights Establishment of In Loco Parental Rights


  • Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, Juris Doctorate, Law, 1993
  • Adler School of Professional Coaching, ACC, Coaching, 1992

Licenses & Certifications

  • WHY Coach, 2014
  • Associate Certified Coach, International Coach Federation, 2006
  • Marcia Weider Dream Coach University for Individual and For Groups 2006

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