Mediator's Profile

Paolla (PK) Jordan

Business Name: East Valley Mediator

Paolla (PK) Jordan is associated with East Valley Mediator and has been described as “uniquely gifted for understanding each client’s needs” and “a creator of solutions that help resolve matters.”  PK is uniquely qualified to help the parties during mediation negotiations.

Her approach to negotiations with families and businesses is unique and effective. She has trained her team of mediators personally.  The areas of practice include:

PK and her team of mediators have helped others with complex child support issues & visitation modifications,  special education needs (including 504, IEP, gifted services, and more),  education advocacy (preserving a student’s rights through their personal experience), change of schools, and many other post-divorce disputes. East Valley Mediator is a neutral 3rd party who will share its knowledge while remaining neutral.

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