Sandra Mendel Furman

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Sandra Mendel Furman

Business Name: Sandra Furman, Mediator & Arbitrator

Location: 131 North Merkle Road, Bexley, OH 43209

Phone: 614-638-2826

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Practice Areas:

  • Elder Care
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Sandra Mendel Furman is a practicing neutral for the past twenty-six years. Her entire practice involves ADR. She is an experienced dispute resolution professional with services that include mediation, facilitation, arbitration, fact finding and conciliation. She is a frequent CLE presenter and has held leadership positions in Columbus Bar Association committees and the Central Ohio Labor and Employment Association. Sandra is an active practitioner in the field whose goal is to continue expanding her experiences to more commercial and business venues, with specialties that include: Labor Employment Consumer disputes Probate Family Elder care Sandra provides mediation services to families making decisions about transitions in family structures, such as: Divorce Separation Parenting Elder Care Families need a supported, neutral basis for discussion about how to make arrangements for a different family structure, such as elder care discussions, which tend to focus on housing, care, end of life planning, property distribution, responsibilities and roles. Sandra is a member of the AAA, AMS and FMCS labor panels, and has arbitrated in all public sector areas and private sector industries ranging from aviation to warehousing. Sandra sits on several permanent panels. She is a member of the NAA, the elite professional organization for arbitrators. Education Capital University Law School, J.D., 1979 Brandeis University, BA, Politics, 1975

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