What does a Family Law Lawyer Do?

What Does A Family Law Lawyer Do?

A Family Law Attorney is an attorney that provides legal representation in Family Law matters. Family law covers a broad range of areas, including divorce (also known as dissolution), child custody and support, adoption, prenuptial agreements, property distribution upon death of the spouses, and more. A Family Law Attorney can help you with any type of family law matter that you might need assistance with!

Family law attorneys are legal professionals who represent individuals in Family Court. Family court is a part of the justice system that deals with family-related issues, including divorce proceedings and child custody battles.

Family law attorneys can also handle adoptions, name changes, and other unrelated matters like personal injury cases or real estate transactions. 

What does a Family Law Attorney do?

Family law lawyers help people settle disputes that deal with family matters. For example, family law attorneys can provide advice and representation on any legal case involving children, parents, grandparents, or those not married but living together as a family. Family law attorneys also work closely with the court system to enforce custody orders and other judicial decisions related to families.


Divorce is an emotional roller coaster for everyone involved, making it essential to carefully choose your lawyer. The process can be overwhelming and confusing if you don’t know what rights or remedies are available under the law—especially since there’s a lot at stake with regards not just property division but also child custody/support payments as well alimony owed by one spouse towards another in cases where they had collected prior earnings from their employment after marriage before getting hitched up!

A family attorney will detail any agreements reached between both parties regarding finances (assets), realty (propertied owned), children custody, and visitation rights. They will also make sure that these agreements are filed with the Family Court in your jurisdiction to have them become legally binding as soon as possible.

Pre and Post-Nuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is a document that outlines the property and assets of everyone before marriage. If you create one, it should outline who gets what if there’s ever been an unwanted divorce by either party – this way; they won’t get stuck with debts or other obligations during their relationship! A postnup also exists after people are already married; however only common for divorces where at least two parties have money worries like child custody concerns which can often lead to expensive legal battles between parents over how much time each parent spends raising kids together as well any potential payments from financial support given by one spouse towards another throughout their lives (i.e., alimony) so. that both parties can feel secure financially.

Alimony/Spousal Support

There are many issues that family law lawyers often must contend with. One such problem is the awarding of alimony and spousal support, which can vary depending on state law or by judge’s decision in some cases because there may not be any set guidelines for this type of award (family lawyer). However, there needs to be accurate information provided when dealing with these types of matters like:

A person’s financial status; ability-to work–whether they have a job now or were unemployed at one point during marriage ownership interest/ debt levels accumulated together between spouses– how long they were married; and other factors like children, health status, life insurance policies for each party, retirement plans/pensions (family lawyer).

Child Custody

The matter of child custody during a divorce or between parents and children who never married can be heated. The court considers many factors when deciding on which parent will have the most incredible bond with their kids, including:

The stability each family member has shown in regards to criminal activity; Whether one person appears more eager than another about having legal rights for that individual’s offspring; Which household seems quieter without any outsiders around making noise–no cars driving by at all hours, no construction work being done next door). Sometimes, agreement between both sides works well before going into courtroom proceedings where judges often support these arrangements even though lawyers initially might not think this way.

Child Support

To ensure that the child or children in question receive a proper amount of financial resources, family law lawyers must collect all sorts of information, such as accurate reporting from both parents on their incomes and any health care expenses they may have. They also consider deductibles for things like prescription drugs before computing an appropriate figure which can be used by courts when calculating support payments.


Family law lawyers are there to serve you in moments of great joy and also help guide your family through the process when something goes wrong. They can be an invaluable asset during adoption proceedings due to their experience, knowledge about how things work legally (and ethically), as well as guidance on what steps need to be taken next based on any complications that may arise along the way – whether this means answering questions from potential adoptive parents or helping with paperwork such like birth certificates, etc…

Abuse and Neglect

A family law lawyer has experience in handling abuse and neglect cases and the skills to navigate sensitive matters like these. For example, they can represent either a parent accused or an abused child legally through their work with you so that all parties involved can have successful outcomes for themselves.


When it comes to family law, attorneys have many responsibilities. For example, you may require the services of such an experienced lawyer yourself one day! If you or someone in your life is interested in learning more about hiring an attorney, contact Larry Hudspeth Family Law at (910) 445-9921(if you live in North Carolina) today to answer any questions offer consultations on specific cases.

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