Texting And Driving Accidents

Texting And Driving Accidents

Texting and driving accidents are very common in Georgia and across the United States. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) claims that texting is the most serious distraction among motorists, with more than 660,000 motorists using their cell phones at any given moment while driving. This is certainly concerning and often results in serious or even fatal accidents. Those who have suffered injuries or lost loved ones in a car accident often consider consulting with a personal injury attorney for legal guidance and to determine whether they may be entitled to compensation.

2021 Texting and Driving Statistics

According to surveys conducted by The Zebra in 2020 and 2021, the following statistics were determined by identifying driver beliefs and texting/driving behavior patterns:

  • More than 52% of respondents believe that texting while driving is less dangerous than using a GPS on a phone, although studies proven otherwise
  • Almost 60% of respondents believe that texting while driving is less dangerous than talking on their phones
  • Women are more likely to text than men (52.4% and 47.6% respectively)
  • In early 2021 more than 16% of motorists admitted to texting while driving
  • Over the past year, more people have become aware of their states’ laws regarding texting and driving (nearly 32% of survey respondents)

Other statistics from the American Automobile Association (AAA) and other organizations regarding texting and driving include:

  • 20% of teens and 10% of parents drive while having conversations involving multiple texts
  • One in four teens admit to answering a minimum of one text each time they drive
  • Although 94% of teens understand the risks of texting and driving, 35% continue to do it
  • On average, 10% of a teen’s driving time is outside of traffic lanes when they are texting
  • When driving at 55 mph, someone may travel the entire length of a football field when texting or responding to a text – this is a long period of time for the eyes to be away from the road
  • A motorist is 20 times more likely to be involved in a car accident while texting than when not using a cell phone

Those involved in a car accident caused by a driver who was texting may want to consider speaking with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Distracted Driving Causes Accidents

There are many types of distractions while driving, however texting is by far the most common and concerning. Each day, more than 1,000 injuries and an estimated nine deaths are caused by distracted driving. Georgia has put great effort into eliminating distracted driving and prohibits drivers from writing or sending texts while driving, but motorists still do it every day. Texting and driving accidents take place due to several factors:

  • Texting requires one hand to hold a cell phone, and sending a text often involves both hands – all control of the vehicle is lost
  • Texting takes the driver’s eyes away from the road, especially dangerous when a car is traveling at a rapid pace
  • In terms of response and alertness, texting is worse than driving under the influence of alcohol
  • Even at slow speeds, texting and driving accidents may involve a pedestrian or bicyclist

Catastrophic Injuries Occur in Texting and Driving Accidents

Some of the injuries a person may suffer due to a texting and driving accident can be catastrophic. Examples of these injuries include:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Amputation injuries (loss of limbs)
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Broken bones

Broken bones, sprains, and facial or head lacerations heal eventually, however there are some types of injuries that will impact a victim’s life forever. A spinal cord injury may result in paralysis. A victim may suffer an injury that contributes to Parkinson’s disease, or that leaves them in a coma. A severe traumatic brain injury may result in death or debilitation. Many who suffer catastrophic injuries can never work again or live the normal life they once did and may require medical attention for the long-term. Victims of texting and driving accidents may be entitled to compensation of medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other costs related to the accident.

Cell Phone Forensic Analysis Is Used by Plaintiff and Defense Lawyers

In cases involving potential text-while-driving allegations, your lawyers need to secure cell phone evidence for forensic analysis to prove the case.

Law firms with a large focus on personal injury and car accidents are often able to help those who are injured in texting and driving accidents. An experienced car accident attorney may investigate the facts, provide legal guidance, and help determine if the case is solid and the victim eligible for compensation. Victims may be offered a settlement by those who were liable or may pursue a lawsuit in some cases depending on the facts of the case.

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