Mediator's Profile

Harry Steinberg

Business Name: Wescol Inc.

Harry Steinberg has mediated more than 3,400 disputed matters and specializes in private and court-ordered, divorce, business, workplace and high-conflict cases since 2005.  Harry is also a contracted mediator with the Colorado Office of Dispute Resolution (ODR). Court order cases include:

  •     Small claims
  •     Family
  •     Divorce
  •     Workplace
  •     Business
  •     Contract
  •     Landlord/Tenant
  •     Construction
  •     High conflict mediations

Harry’s focus is to facilitate the parties discussions of their respective key issues and needs, which often leads the parties to craft their own resolution. Harry received his mediation training from the Elledge Group, Inc. (2005)


  •     Columbia Business School, MBA, 1973
  •     Ohio Wesleyan University, BA, 1971

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